Sunday, May 31, 2009

anda pasti bergurau.

okeh pagi tadi bangun, o9 den mandi. yes ain mandi di pagi hari. dat was amazing.
den go to mamatok's house to have breakfast di lotus, PJ.
dah habis makan segala ikan dan ayam my grandma is trying to match me with a 31 yr old guy!
kawan mengaji dia nye anak................ada 3 calon...........way to go cupid grandma..haha.
sumpah klaka cara dia cakap.. ''tok harap la hang dok berkenan ngan dia..kaya..hensem ain..puteh.....'' ain hanya senyum pandang udang.
dats too old...i want ala ala adam! nak jugaak.
den tadi baru oder dominos den die nye ayat pembukaan someting like i am bla bla from dominos gonna burst your apa ntah tapi sangat gempak ayat dia..
setelah ain bersuara..i can smell somting fishy dalam suara dia.
den he burst it out n say "to be honest suara 'puan' comel sangat sebab halus sangat. 'puan' nak oder apa?" padhal aku dok tanya ada piza apa je....n dia nye ayat gudbai pon gempak ada burst2 jugak.
otak ain terblank nak order tadi. damn it.......suara cek makin halus kaaa?? no nooo noooooo!
n y puan? yy???? suara cam empunya anak lima ke?
=)ain,waiting for piza.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

lets move it!

okay there are lots of things happen this past few weeks. happy things.. met my family.. hang out with was nice..tapi exam still turn off! tataw la cane....... ahh! abaikan! takde masa nakk fikir skang its toooo late.

VR showcase. the food was nice :)

kerja dody love.

farrah! rindu.

tema gamba ni si polis seksi. heee.

vrians n mians

:) manis gula.

i look short.............

sambut birthday 3 si comel.

ili zatey ieza

juara is ain n para tp i did terbaling bole ke belakang 3 kali.blame the sweaty hands. buat malu aku je.

lontaran akak bunga berbisa.

lontaran melentok akak tough.

kepak kak kepak.

nak join jgak. but my kepak is sopaner.

iye iye je last last tak sampai seminit main.

muka saya berkata pa ure too close, get offf!
hee its holiday.. i am ok so far.. not running laju laju. steady je.
it was fun with gonjeng.
i did spent 2 days with cha tp blog ni macam merajuk ngan ain takmo upload gamba.
laptop ain nye tema lagu hot n cold. kejap panas kejap sejuk -__-'
=)ain, not so running.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

its the time again.

dah nak habis exam tibalah masanya untuk ain larikan diri sebab cuti dah nak dekat :(
lagu tema cuti ain is run baby run.

oh di sini ain juga ingin berkongsi.. i tink in life we better concentrate on ourselves more than to care about other people..
like if they want to wear skirts ke, smoking ke, clubbing ke or pape la... its their life.
kite pon tak perfect kan sampai nak kepoh kepoh orang tu smoke ke apa kan?
let them be, memang benda tu salah tapi still its their life.
we learn from mistakes kan?

ain macam dah lama je sabar bila dengar ada orang yang macam ni.
tapi takpe la its ur life too..cuma jangan melampau sangat ye cik adik dan abang?
saya pun geram geram panas jugak bila dah makin melampau.

adam perform ngan kiss masa result show. so nice! rasa cam in the 70's 80's rock era.

masa kecik kecik.:)

gambar ni khas untuk ILI AQILAH EFFENDI! Hapy Bday iliiii! love u. dah 10 tahun aku kenal kau kan?

n rasanya aktiviti kumpul kumpul gambar adam tak la menganggu sesiapa. :)

oh yeah n to have been such pain in the u know where.n yeah mind ur own business. i have my own choice to choose who i may like. thank u.

=)ain geram geram suam.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

the reason that i'm smiling.

adam kalah but beybi u win my heart.

okay stop segala perkara gedik.
mci memang susah but i am so happy rite now bcos of dis cute little sunshine. u lil sunshine!
cant wait to give kisses!
hari sabtu ni cukur jambul aiden.
he is two months old now.

okay baca ayat first skali........heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:)

=)ain,exam sila pergi mati.

adam beybi.

dear adam,
wheter u win or not, me and ayah will always support and like you.
video2 kau je la adam yang buat ain sedar lagi ni ha.

my fav of them all.

=)ain, mci semoga berjaya.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

video semangat.

damnit maya.
i am sleepy u know?
tp sebab anda i am staying up! cis.
tpaksa tgok ni banyak kali nak semangat.
oh i never get bored of it.
sesiapa yang jumpa cite ni tajuk dia noodle boxer pelis pelis inform ain.
tak pon blikan cd den simpan untuk present ain :)

dah maya back to you.
=)ain hate u maya.

Friday, May 8, 2009

dah stop.

in this post i just want to let myself know.
that if anything goes wrong in life,
i still have my ayah, my mama who cares for me.
i might cant take it anymore, but life has to go on.
in the end there is only one person who can help me which is myself.
so i have to keep on going n keep on going.
some may say things about me, but what do i care.
have you ever helped me when i am down?
i dont think so.
so now i have to keep myself strong.
think of ayah n mama.
i wouldnt want to let them down.
dalam kata singkat move it and do your asaimen si malas.


Monday, May 4, 2009

last minute.

oh kerja last minute itu biasa dalam kamus hidup saya.
so for 2nd assignment mi ain pilih buat nike women.
so nilah hasil kerja last minute, siap 2 jam sebelum submission time tu ha.
but still okla dapat jugak siap kan.
so here is my work, any comments sangat dialukan :)

this is the thematic poster.

ni pulak motion graphic yang dibuat guna flash.
very hard.
tapi dapat siap so i am happy!
time kaseh kepada semua yang sokong ain buat masa ni.
n to ili yang carikan lagu and tolong convertkan video ni.
thanks na! :)
=)ain,make it work work.make it work.