Wednesday, July 8, 2009


for my first assy kan i have to do a self promo...
biasalah i am superrr sloww!
tapi nasib sempat siap!
oh i want to thank everyone yang tolong ain kasi semangat habiskan my work..
and saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada zatey sbb main typing maniac untok ain as i evolved from elephant to a man apa ntah. THANKS! :)
and kepada paiz yang kasi lagu comel gile! thanks weh.
so here is my work.
it's not good but i've tried my best so any comments sile beri ye?

oh yeah ain kena gi shopping la. i kenot take it anymoreee! hormon melimpaah limpah.

=)ain, satisfied.