hah..dis past few days have been lots of happy and making me sad things..
happy things:
-on monday went out wif adek, zatey and ili!
-on tuesday gi bli tiket ngan alan n ili (ada kejadian yang ain gelak sampai air liur berlebihan.sorry ili!)
-on wednesday i played frisbee!!!! dat was nice walaupon kejap aja..
-on thursday we went to genting! i reaaalllyy had a great time wif ili, zatey, liesa, adek, dila, fara, alan, acap, ijat n maher..hehe ain tale lupe muke ejat naik kapal..macam from heaven..suci gile..
making me sad things:
-when people especially ahli keluarga menipu anda di hadapan mata..
-when i dono who to believe dah..
-when i decide to run from all this shitty tings..
-when i have to lie just to run from all this shitty things bodo kan?
-when i think everything happens because of me..
wat will i do bile i am sad:
first i will cry
den tido
den watch funny tv series macam rona roni markaroni
den i decide to shop this makes me happy :)
den i cannot stop... help..
den problems poof! hilang, at least in my mind die hilang..kejap..
okeh dengan ini selepas pembelian terakhir hari ini saya tak akan membeli belah lagi..
ain ingat duit amat penting..jimat plis..
alamak aih byk clas da full! ain blom habis bayar lagi..kenot reg..oh kelas jangan la full cepat sangat.. :/
okeh pictures yg ain suka bangat!

kami sama sama gembira!

lepas naik bumper boat! best i like sbb takyah tutop mata.
ye we look so cool.

ishk genting panas rupanya. now i know..
ili berkata watcha lookin at?

roller coaster ini comel and membuat saya berani sikit.

and dat was my expression with open eyes.
masa tengok km 31
hehehhehe...i like dis one..
and at last i did it!
n btw naik roller coaster for the very first time makes my bones feel loose!
n pejam mata is cool btw. hehe. pegi lagi jomm!