okay hi hey hello semua.
i am usually a person who will just go for it cane susah pun a thing i will always redah je and get it done in my own way.
so when i find out that i will do my intern in a quite big company, i was overwhelmed and happy and nervous gila but then i think ala redah je camon u can do this.
but..it was really different than what i thought. it is hard, like super hard and there were times i was sad and all but thanks to my friends and family who put some senses into me.
i realize that advertising world is a no no joke! its crazy with dead lines round the clock.
and no no i wont let my sad hormones or watever it is bring me down.
i will keep on learning on how to be strong.
the fourth day is the day i really fits in there, where i could smile and laugh freely:)
anyways its a great place to toughen me up so no no ain, you wont give up, keep it tough.
oh and to all friends, happy interning all!

i miss you baby aiden, baru jumpa 2 weeks ago but still i misss you.

ha malu nk amik gamba kat opis so amik kat tandas!

first day:)
=)ain, dah dah ain keep it strong, make 'em proud.